Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bezos gives a look at 'hidden Amazon'

The 'Hidden Amazon'

Interesting column in InfoWorld outlining some new Web services that Amazon have released that allow them to sell excess storage and compute capacity to third-parties. Amazon has always been regarded a Web services pioneer, beginning with their early work in publishing their products and shopping cart code as Web services, making it easier for Amazon partners to incorporate Amazon into their own Web sites. The new set of Web services, known as "Simple Storage Service" (S3) and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) are "pay by drink" services. Amazon also released a third Web service, known as "Mechanical Turk", which allows developers to easily post questions to a large group of people.

Bezos gives a look at 'hidden Amazon' | InfoWorld

Makes me wonder what's next for Amazon--grid computing and on demand????

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